sábado, 26 de octubre de 2019

What Are You Afraid Of?

Warm-up: What Are You Afraid Of? (15 min)

1. Set the tone by dimming the lights, shutting the blinds and turning on spooky sounds:

For adults: http://bit.ly/2J5Wphq

2. Using your phone’s flashlight, lit your face from below.

3. Ask: Do you like to be scared?

4. If the room is dark, let your students run free for a minute, spooking each other. They can also use flashlights in their phones or sneak up on their friends.

If the class atmosphere doesn’t allow that, move on to the next step.

5. After they’ve warmed up, ask: What are you afraid of?

6. Students name things they are afraid of. Ask volunteers to come to the board and write their suggestions down. 

For example:
Spiders, Ghosts, Vampires, Heights, Darkness, Bats, Homeworks, etc. 

7. Eventually, you should have 10 – 15 scary examples to work with. Next, you’re going to find the scariest thing of them all.

8. Ask your students to individually pick 2 – 3 things they are truly afraid of.

9. Decide on an action, e.g.: hide your face under the desk or run out of the classroom.

10. Go over all the spooky examples and count the number of students that performed the action. Write that number next to the example. 

Video: History of Halloween (15 min)
1.Who started Halloween and when? 
2.When was the Celtic New Year? 
3.What happened on the night before the New Year? 
4.Why did the Celts celebrate Halloween? 
5.What’s the origin of the word ‘Halloween’?
6.What vegetables did the Celts use for Jack-o-lanterns? 
7.Why did they carve faces in produce? 

1.(Celts, 2,000 years ago)
2.(1st November)3.(the ghosts came to life)
3.(the ghosts came to life)
4.(to protect themselves from these ghosts)
5.(holy evening) 
6.(potatoes and turnips)
7.(to guide good spirits into their homes)

Optional Create a Halloween Mask (15 – 25 min)

1. Provide your students with materials such as coloured paper, markers, cardboard, string, crayons, glitter, etc. 

2. Show them this video for reference: http://bit.ly/31zcna6

And/Or some pictures: 

 Optional Halloween Kahoot (15 min)

If you don’t know Kahoot it is a phenomenal classroom resource. Before you begin make sure that there is at least one internet device per 2 students in your classroom. 

1. Set up the game by following this link: http://bit.ly/2MAYjJ4

2. Instruct your students to type: kahoot.it into their search engine. 

3. Follow the instructions and enjoy the game.

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