jueves, 24 de octubre de 2019

Mobile Phones +/-

The pros and cons of mobile phones for students

Any new technology, no matter how beneficial, comes the potential for abuse. Video games, YouTube, and other multimedia commonly consumed on smartphones can become significant distractions especially for young students, while social media is known for its addictive characteristics, as well as being a breeding ground for cyberbullying and other socialization problems

Positive impacts

There’s no denying the potential for phones as an educational tool.
Smartphones enable access to encyclopedias, videos, and entire libraries of knowledge, right in one’s pocket.
Another advantage is the potential for collaborative learning, especially for group projects. Students are able to organize, share notes and information. The same collaborative and teleconferencing tools that businesses once could only dream of, are now available to every student thanks to their smartphone.

Negative impacts

smartphones absolutely can be a distraction. Popular video game has made it to the news as a significant distraction for smartphone-equipped students. Another issue is social media addiction and cyberbullying. There have been many cases of this throughout the years as social media proliferated. students sometimes just capture photos of notes with their phones rather than writing them down.

What is your opinion on the use of mobile phones?

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